Nik Gowing(ニック・ゴーイング)
BBCワールドニュース メイン・プレゼンター/ジャーナリスト
1996年より、英国BBCの24時間国際ニュース放送であるBBCワールドニュースのメイン・プレゼンター(キャスター)を務める。"The Hub with Nik Gowing"等の冠番組を持ち、BBCを代表するジャーナリストとして世界のニュースの最前線に立つ。
最近話題となったオックスフォード大学にて客員研究員をしていた際に発表した"Skyful of Lies and Black Swans: the New Tyranny of Shifting Information Power in Crises"は、危機対応の際の既存の権力の脆さについて新たな視点を提示し、世界中に衝撃を与えた。
Nik Gowing has been a main presenter for the BBC’s international 24-hour news channel BBC World News, since 1996, where he presents "The Hub with Nik Gowing", "BBC World Debates", "Dateline London" and location coverage of major global stories. For 18 years he worked at ITN where he was bureau chief in Rome and Warsaw, and Diplomatic Editor for Channel Four News (1988-1996).
He was a fellow at a number of educational institutions including the Joan Shorenstein Barone Center in the J. F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Independently of his work for BBC News, Nik specialises in convening ideas and issues related to the contemporary challenges of policy making by moderating at conferences.
Nik also has a much sought-after analytical expertise on the management of information in the new transparent environments of conflicts, crises, emergencies and times of tension.
His published Harvard study in 1994 challenged conventional wisdom of an automatic cause and effect relationship between real-time television coverage of conflicts (the ‘CNN factor’) and the making of foreign policy. His 1997 study for the Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict in Washington DC similarly challenged conventional wisdom on assumptions about a role for the media in preventing conflict. Like the Harvard study it received wide attention and stirred new international debate.
His most recent peer-reviewed study is ‘Skyful of Lies and Black Swans: the New Tyranny of Shifting Information Power in Crises’ written as a Visiting Fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University. Published in May 2009, it has made a significant impact worldwide because of its uncomfortable challenge to conventional assumptions of the nature of power in major, unexpected crises.
Acute new vulnerabilities for Business, Governments and Systems in the new Public Information Space
講座開催日:2011年11月03日 (木)
Nik Gowing(BBC World News Main Presenter)
石倉 洋子(慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科 教授)
01月21日 (火) 更新
01月21日 (火) 更新
01月21日 (火) 更新 01月21日 (火) 更新
本から「いま」が見えてくる新刊10選 ~2025年1月~
開催日 : 01月30日 (木) 19:00~20:30
note × academyhills