Franz Heukamp
Dean, IESE Business School

Biography in Japanese
Franz Heukamp became Dean of IESE Business School in September 2016. He is the Antonio
Valero Chair of Business Administration, and Professor of Decision Analysis. He previously served
as Associate Dean for MBA Programs between 2012 and 2016, and as Secretary General
between 2009 and 2012.
As Dean, building on input from faculty, students, staff, and alumni, he has identified four
priorities for IESE Business School: internationalization of IESE activities; meeting the challenges
of lifelong learning; the impact of digitization on learning and development, and deep impact in
society. Recent examples of activities in support of these priorities include:
‐ The development of Munich and New York Campus, and the close attention to Asia, with
regional offices in four locations across the continent.
‐ The search of excellence in the learning experience, with emphasis on technological innovation
and its possibilities to facilitate lifelong learning. A clear example is the development of the
Virtual Classroom.
‐ The fostering of entrepreneurship initiatives as a way to have a positive impact on society,
along with innovative and creative academic proposals to mitigate and help solve important
social problems, such as the unemployment crisis in many countries.
Dean Heukamp's intellectual interests center on decision making under uncertainty. He has
published work on this subject in several specialized journals such as Management Science,
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Prior to joining the IESE Business School faculty in 2002, Dean Heukamp received his Ph.D. in
Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and holds the title of Ingénieur Civil
des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC, Paris) as well as a degree in engineering from Technische
Universität, Munich.
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02月25日 (火) 更新
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